About US

Marco Emadi

•  Founder and coach of the PLConsultancy International Training.
• Specialized trainer in Self-Discovery and Business relationships and establishing international companies.
• Professional coach in Self-Development programs, helping the new generation discover and use their talents towards society’s development.
•  The author of several practical books in Business development, personal life development, achieving one’s dream and vision, discovering and utilizing talents, and proper management of time, energy and money.

Richard Flight

  • Associate Professor in the School of Business at Southern Illinois University
  • Teaches courses in Marketing Strategy and the Research Principles of Marketing, New Product Development, Promotions, Study Abroad, and Electronic Commerce.
  • Publishes article in the Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Journal of Marketing Channels, and Journal of Product and Brand
  • Specialties: Innovation characteristics and diffusion; Product/brand strategy; Compulsive buying tendencies; Market Research collection and analysis; Strategic Planning.

Prof. Evan Kubicek

  • Professor at the Lumpkin College of Business and Technology at Eastern Illinois University
  • Professor of marketing, entrepreneurship, management, strategist and leadership • Former professor at Indiana USA State University
  • Specialties: Social Entrepreneurship Consulting, Scalable Business Model Builder, Temperament Analyst, Life Coach, Community Development Researcher & Program Developer

Vicky Warren

Vicky Warren spent 33 years working in innovative and creative environments which included multimillion dollar technology deployments, alliances with luminaries such as Steve Jobs, Nicholas Negroponte’s MIT Medial Lab, Stanford Research Institute (SRI), and over a decade as an Executive with The Walt Disney Studios.  Her primary focus in these organizations included leadership, customer experience, business development, innovation and creativity.  Over the past 7 years, Vicky has consulted in 22 countries on business excellence in a global market.

Throughout this gathering, we will discover insights that drive excellence and practice adapting these insights to strengthen your organization in order to obtain the goal of long-term results.

Abuşova Sona

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Professor Peter sewell

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Lala Suleymanova

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