
Business Empowerment Journey

Our purpose is to create a program that is designed to be a journey of self-discovery that will empower the young generation with tools, understanding, and knowledge to realize their life dreams as expressed in the business world.

An instrument that helps the new generation to achieve their Purpose & Goals
You are unique and you have unique talents nobody else has. This is the time to discover them!
Your talents, strengths and all good things are originated from your character. If your character transforms, your life will be transformed too. In the business world, you need to be able to use your character and your talents in the right way in order to achieve your goals. It is your character that has the power to transform your workplace and your nation.

1. Self-Discovery

a. Vision and Dreams
b. Gifts and Talents
c. Personal Development Plan

2. Tools

a. Communication
b. Team Work
c. Decision Making
d. Goal Setting
e. Project Management

3. Cultural Intelligence

a. Multinational relationships

4. Business Development Processes

a. Business Model Development
b. Strategic Planning c.
Product/Service Development
d. Marketing and Sales
e. Technology
f. Legal and Regulatory
g. Organizational Design
h. Operations
i. Investment/Budgeting/Profit & Loss

5. Business Relationships

Business relations are the connections that exist between all entities that engage in commerce. That includes the relationships between various stakeholders in any business network, such as those between employers and employees, employers and business partners, and all of the companies a business associates with.

6. Leadership

a. Strategic Planning
b. Communications Skills
c. Team building

7. Business English For Tourism

Are you working in the tourism industry or Would you like to work in the tourism industry? 

Tourism offers a wide variety of exciting careers and it is a growing international industry.  1 in 10 Jobs globally are related to Tourism!  As an International business, the International language of English is a key to your career.


What is in the program?

Learn the vocabulary and conversational skills needed for the following Jobs in Tourism:

Hotel Management

Hotel Receptionist

Tour Guide

Restaurant / Bar Staff

Transportation Guide

Customer Service

Marketing and Sales



How is the program designed?

This program is given in a class room setting by a native English Speaker and consists of tourism specific role plays and language learning exercises.

The Program consists of three learning Modules.

Each Learning Module is 4 weeks with 2 (1.5 hrs) sessions each week.

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